Podcast: Dr. Jackson on How the Civil Rights Movement Shaped Education Policy

Schott President & CEO Dr. John H. Jackson and Public Advocacy for Kids President Arnold F. Fege are interviewed for the new Our Children Can’t Wait podcast, hosted by UCLA’s Dr. Joseph Bishop:
Joe Bishop takes a deep dive into the history of the Civil Rights Movement and education with educators, policymakers and activists Arnold Fege and John Jackson.
Both Chicago natives explain how the city shaped their view on policymaking. From a young age, they both were exposed to the inequities that exists based on one’s zip code and the lack of resource equity between the different parts of the city and its suburbs.
How did the civil rights movement shape education policy in America? Does the ruling of Brown vs. Board still impact housing and employment today?
“With Brown, we began to see the ability to not only challenge separate but equal in education, but in transportation, and housing. And some might even say Brown v. Board was more impactful in the transportation space and the housing space than it has been within the education space.”
— John Jackson
Want to learn more?
Dr. Jackson and Mr. Fege co-authored a chapter in a new book edited by Dr. Bishop: Our Children Can’t Wait: The Urgency of Reinventing Education Policy in America. Learn more and get your copy today!