What We Do
We are a national public fund that fuels racial & education justice movements and promotes equity & opportunity in public education.
For thirty years, Schott has advanced the struggle for equity and justice in public education with research, convenings, and inclusive communications strategies. We lift up the voices of those most impacted — and inject new paradigms that push out-of-the-box thinking — to shift the narrative toward transformative solutions that give all children a fair and equitable opportunity to learn.
Our Funders
Our funders are institutional foundations, family foundations, philanthropists, and individual donors who care about racial justice and public education.
Explore More About the Schott Foundation
Our Impact
Schott brings bold, innovative strategies to its pivotal dual roles as both a funder and an advocacy partner. We collaborate with our philanthropic partners and provide funding as well as other necessary strategic resources and support.
BoarD & Staff
We believe the people closest to the problem are closest to the solution. We believe in shifting power to those who have the know-how to target resources to meet the needs of their communities.
Financials & Funders
The Schott Foundation is a public fund that serves as a grant-making intermediary supporting BIPOC-led organizations advocating for racial justice and equity in education.
View our most recent audited financial statements and our funding partners.
Our History
Since its inception, the Schott Foundation has invested in new, innovative strategies that have reshaped the public education and racial justice landscape. We’ve resourced organizations, released groundbreaking research, and helped build a nationwide education justice movement.

We can only do this with your help.
Investing in Schott means supporting grassroots organizations across the country who know how to implement the solutions their communities need.