National Day of Racial Healing 2020

January 21, 2020 is the W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s fourth annual National Day of Racial Healing–rooted in experiences for truth-telling and trust-building that lead to racial healing for a more just and equitable future.
Conceived in 2016 through a collaborative effort of more than 550 leaders, the National Day of Racial Healing is a time to reinforce and honor our common humanity while celebrating the district differences that make our communities vibrant; acknowledge the deep racial divisions that exist in America and must be overcome and healed; and commit to engaging people from all racial and ethnic groups in genuine efforts to increase understanding, communication, caring and respect for one another.
Observances are taking place throughout the country, as well as a national livestream today:
Follow and contribute to the conversation today on Twitter with #HowWeHeal.
For last year’s National Day of Racial Healing, Schott’s Senior Vice President of Programs and Advocacy Edgar Villanueva wrote “How Philanthropy Can Get Serious About Racial Healing”:
Today, as a member of the Lumbee Tribe and a foundation official, I plan to join with people across the United States to observe the third annual National Day of Racial Healing. Started by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, this national day is designed to bring Americans together to demonstrate solidarity and work toward healing our racial divides. But what does it take to truly heal?
When historians and sociologists document the legacy of imperialism and slavery, we sometimes question whether travesties that occurred centuries earlier still influence the world today. As the saying goes, “Time heals all wounds.” And yet, how can time actually heal absent concrete and specific plans to permit victims of suffering to voice their pain, receive an acknowledgment of their suffering, or restitution?