Introducing the Loving Communities Response Fund

Hear from organizers on the ground:
Keron Blair:
“We’re on new terrain, we’re going to need some creativity in how we respond”
Hernan Martinez:
“This crisis has exposed all the gaps in our safety nets”
Like us, you are likely asking how you can most effectively support life-saving work in our nation’s most vulnerable communities — if so, please read on.
Organizations and communities supported by the Schott Foundation come from generations of people grounded in community, organized and resilient in the face of structural violence and institutionalized racism. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the inequities and challenges they must confront now are even greater. We must stand in solidarity to sustain and strengthen this vital network of advocates and the families and students whom they support, to both survive in the months ahead and sow the seeds of a better world in the future.
Schott’s partners are providing critically needed aid in their communities, just as they’ve done during previous crises. At the same time, they are fighting to ensure those most impacted by school closures, job and housing insecurity, and hunger are included in shaping policies and allocating resources.
In response to this extraordinary moment, Schott, working in partnership with national organizations like the Journey for Justice Alliance, the Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools, and the Dignity in Schools Campaign, has created the Loving Communities Response Fund. Every dollar you donate to this fund will go directly to support community-led grassroots organizations that serve youth and families directly impacted.
We must act in solidarity and do all we can: join us in giving today!