Follow these #EdJustice Superstars

It’s that time of the year again… the Schott Foundation’s third annual list of 10 Education Justice Superstars to follow on social media! Spice up your feed with knowledge and inspiration from these influential and energized advocates. They’re leading the way, pushing racial and gender equity, fair funding, community schools, grassroots organizing and other crucial issues to the fore. Be sure to give them a follow!
Maria Bautista
Follow @marriabau
Maria has committed her life and career to dismantling systemic racism in education. She is the Campaigns Director of the Alliance for Quality Education and tweets about public education in New York State.
As Covid 19 forces us to reimagine education, I stand in solidarity with students at @TeensTakeCharge working to #UnscreenOurSchools. We know the playing field is not level & could not fathom advocating for discriminatory admissions screens during a pandemic. @DOEchancellor
— Maria Bautista (@marriabau) October 23, 2020
Nikole Hannah-Jones
Follow @nhannahjones
Nikole Hannah-Jones, a 2020 Schott Foundation Fellow, is a reporter for the New York Times, covering race from 1619-present. In addition she is the co-founder of the Ida B. Wells Society For Investigative Reporting.
That NYC’s public schools may have to shut down because the city and state felt they just had to let people dine indoors and workout at a gym says all we need to know about how much our society values public education, particularly when it comes to low-income Black & brown kids.
— Ida Bae Wells (@nhannahjones) November 12, 2020
Richard Fowler
Follow @Richardafowler on Instagram
Richard is the host of the Richard Fowler Show, a Fox News Contributor, and Senior Fellow at the New Leaders Council. Richard tweets about all things politics, current events, and racial & social justice.
Arnold Fege
Follow @ArnoldFFege
Arnold is the President of Public Advocacy for Kids and is a lifelong public education and child advocate, federal policy veteran, and believer in equity & voice for low-income parents & community.
Rubric for Recovery: For rural communities, it’s all-hands-on-deck to help low-income students via @EdDiveK12
— Arnold F. Fege (@ArnoldFFege) November 3, 2020
Dr. Leah Austin
Follow @lovelymasala
Leah is an educator, organizer, and grantmaker. As the Director of Schott’s Opportunity to Learn (OTL) Network, Leah works closely with our grantee partners in building a stronger education justice movement.
“School privatization, teacher pay, student civil rights, digital inequity stemming from a lack of adequate broadband and devices, and school safety are all on the ballot this election cycle.” #futureofeducation
— LeahAustinEdD (@lovelymasala) October 29, 2020
Jaime Koppel
Follow @jaimekoppel
Jaime is the Co-Executive Director of the Communities for Just Schools Fund. She is a lifelong advocate for education equity and believes a radical reimagining of public education is possible & necessary.
“We need surveillance and metal detectors out of schools NOW!” – @pandoras_siren
Join us now!
— Jaime Koppel (@jaimekoppel) October 20, 2020
Jonathan Stith
Follow @El_Jemedari
Jonathan is the Executive Director of the Alliance for Educational Justice (AEJ). He has been a longtime advocate for removing police from public schools and is a leader of the #PoliceFreeSchools movement.
The #PoliceFreeSchools fight has ALWAYS been about a fundamentally different vision of education.
— Jonathan Stith (@El_Jemedari) October 30, 2020
Dr. Julian Vasquez-Heilig
Follow @ProfessorJVH
Julian is an award-winning leader, teacher, blogger & public education advocate. He is Dean and Professor of Education Policy Studies and Evaluation at the University of Kentucky College of Education. Julian recently joined the Schott Foundation Board of Directors.
When I was Education Chair for @CANAACP, a charter school in LA was trying to get approval from LAUSD and wanted an endorsement. I asked to see their budget and books. I never heard from them again.
— Julian Vasquez-Heilig (@ProfessorJVH) November 14, 2020
Jawanza Malone
Follow @jbkm1973
Jawanza is the Executive Director of Kenwood-Oakland Community Organization (KOCO) on Chicago’s Southside, one of the oldest membership-based grassroots community organizations in Chicago dedicated to serving low-income and working families. He tweets about all things Chicago and social justice.
There’s no denying the penal system in this country needs to be completely reimagined. BTW What does the term “criminal justice” actually mean?
— Jawanza Malone (@jbkm1973) November 13, 2020
Samantha P. Davis
Follow @samanthapaigeme
Samantha is the founder of Black Swan Academy, which empowers black youth in under-served communities through civic leadership and engagement. She is a self-proclaimed policy wonk, Black feminist & public school advocate.
— Samantha Paige Davis (@samanthapaigeme) August 28, 2020