Achieving Justice for All Should Command Philanthropy’s Attention in 2020 Elections

The heightened urgency to protect our democracy from outside interference
in the 2020 election is getting a lot of media and political attention these days,
but there’s a far more urgent need that is vital for philanthropy to foster and
finance: ensuring that our democracy evolves toward greater justice.
We must not confuse democracy with creating equity or with creating a more
just American society. It takes more than elections to make a sound
democracy. We have lived in a democracy for more than 200 years, but never
has our democracy been equitable or just for all people.
As the presidential candidates develop their campaign platforms,
philanthropy must press them to embrace what I call a “justocracy”—a
society where the practice of democracy is not the only goal but where we deliberately use the tools of democracy to create justice for those whose rights
have been historically denied and whose lives have been systematically put at
a disadvantage.
That’s why in this election season, grantmakers must go beyond the
traditional support of groups that promote voter engagement and turnout and
do more to support grassroots work as well as organizations and institutions
that seek to create more just political processes and systems.
Our foundation is taking this charge to heart with a presidential forum we and
other organizations are sponsoring in Pittsburgh on December 14. Through a
grassroots and labor partnership called the Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools,
our foundation—along with grassroots organizations—plan to lead the candidates in candid discussions focused on their commitment to education
justice. The agenda will be shaped by the alliance, which includes
organizations led by young people, parents, and educators who all seek to put
justice at the center of public-education policymaking.
Why Education Is Urgent
Given how many issues are at stake in the election and our focus on curbing
inequality, some might wonder why education is commanding our top
priority. After all, housing, health, immigration, and so many other topics are
also urgent. We believe it is through public schools we have the best shot at
promoting justice.
American public schools, as our nation’s only mandatory network of
institutions for children and families, are a lifeline to opportunity in every
urban, suburban, and rural community. That’s why we believe the public
education system is also the lifeline for advancing our democracy.
For young people, our public schools are where they often experience their
first engagement with society or initial feelings of being pushed out. It’s also
where they are first protected or overpoliced, learn about justice, or
experience injustice. And it’s where parents and everyone else in the
community have the best opportunity to advance efforts to create a more just
society, whether that is by putting pressure on local school boards or dealing
with local control of state funding.
Our educators can’t help young people achieve their learning goals without
adequate resources, and that financial support is key to tackling the
disparities that today mean our schools offer unequal education depending on
a student’s race, gender, disability, or socioeconomic status.
If philanthropy is serious about living up to its name—that it is about
accomplishing goals that embrace our love of humanity—then we must
ensure that in this election season we push our leaders to go beyond
Real Change?
While our foundation sees education as a significant step in promoting
justice, other grantmakers will see it as more essential to press the
presidential candidates on other justice causes and missions. That’s
acceptable but ignoring this moment is not an option.
We all must remember that the seeds of our democracy were planted during
the unjust purging of Native Americans and its branches strengthened
through the persistent inequitable treatment of people of color. That’s why
America’s history requires that philanthropy remain committed to the
evolution of our democracy and the promotion of a justice agenda.
And it’s why this critical question must be asked at each stage of the political
process: To what degree are candidates’ policies and proposals seeking real
change—or simply attempting to once again justify the denial of rights and
opportunities to those long marginalized by our American systems and
Justice is an active sport, and philanthropy and its resources must show up in
a major way to help nonprofit activists challenging centuries of inequity. If we
do not provide our money, our voice, our advocacy, and other resources in this
crucial run-up to the 2020 election, then the unfettered privilege we in
philanthropy hold will be seen as simply part of the problem, not the solution.
John H. Jackson is CEO of the Schott Foundation for Public Education. This article was originally posted in Chronicle of Philanthropy.