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Webinar: #ReclaimOurSchools!

Dozens of cities are gearing up for a demonstration of support for their public schools and the fight for the schools all our children deserve. On May 4, parents, students and educators will gather outside of their schools before the bell to hold a rally and march. Then they will walk into their schools together in a show of solidarity.

This is the second national walk-in event organized by the Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools — and the movement is growing! Earlier this year, 33 cities participated in the first national walk-in on February 17.

Tune in for an exclusive webinar on the issues facing public education and the organizing we can do to make sure all children have an opportunity to learn in a safe and well-funded public school. Learn about walk-ins happening near you on May 4 and how you can get involved.


Speakers include:
  • Keron Blair, National Director, Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools
  • Nate Gunderson, Organizer, National Education Association
  • Edgar Villanueva, Vice President of Programs and Advocacy, Schott Foundation for Public Education