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Webinar: Racism in Philanthropy: Effective Practices for Grantmakers

Philanthropy has a long history of providing much-needed resources for historically marginalized communities of color. Many foundations and donors view their investments as the solution to social problems that are rooted in poverty.

But is this approach enough to address racial disparities that persist across education, health and economics?

What does it take to reach full and true racial equity in these domains?

How is philanthropy – as a field – measuring up in our own progress to apply a racial equity lens to our internal operations and our giving strategies when foundation staff are overwhelmingly white, with board members even more so (84%)?

And does our hesitance to be open and honest about race hurt the very communities we’re trying to help?

It’s time for a brave conversation about the role racism has in perpetuating the disparities we’re working together to eliminate – and how we, as philanthropy, given our history of privilege and wealth – can be a more authentic partner with community to address healing and reconciliation in our world.

We examined philanthropy’s role in addressing structural racism from the inside out. We discussed both the progress philanthropy has made and challenges that remain. We also highlighted practices and strategies for improving as a field to advance equity within our communities.

Click here for a recap blogpost of the webinar


Our speakers included:
  • Chris Cardona, the Ford Foundation
  • Michael McAfee, PolicyLink
  • Edgar Villanueva (moderator), Schott Foundation Vice President of Programs and Advocacy