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Movement Maestros: Youth Leadership in Ensuring Equitable Public School Funding

Funder-only briefing

Closing the inequitable gap between what our students need and what our schools can afford is now more urgent than ever.

Dysfunctional and racially discriminatory funding systems not only rob our children of the resources they need, they endanger the future of our society, our economy, and our democracy.

But there’s good news: across the country, advocates are stepping up to the challenge and winning billions in more equitable funding for their schools — and young people are taking the lead.

Join us as we learn from youth organizers how their energy, talent, and dedication can tip the scales toward a more just public education system for us all.

Speakers include:

  • Denezia Fahie
    Executive Director, Providence Student Union
  • Armando Montero
    Member, Arizona School Boards Association
  • Mauro Sifuentes
    Co-Executive Director, Californians for Justice
  • Cameron Samuels
    Executive Director, Students Engaged In Advancing Texas
  • Morgan Craven (Moderator)
    National Director of Policy, Advocacy and Community Engagement, Intercultural Development Research Association